In this class (Class 37 on Monday, Jan. 13th at 7:30 pm PST), we discuss verses 4.19-23 of the Bhagavad Gita and chapter 19 ("Equality," pp. 188–199) of Sri Aurobindo's Essays on the Gita.

Study Questions

1. According to Sri Aurobindo, what is distinctive about the Gita's conception of "equality"? And how does it differ from "Stoic equality," "philosophic equality," and "Christian equality" (p. 190)?

2. On p. 189 of Essays on the Gita, Sri Aurobindo writes: "Equality is the sign and also for the aspirant the test." What does he mean by this? Please give one or two examples from your own spiritual life, explaining how your equality has been tested.

3. In chapter 19 of Essays on the Gita, Sri Aurobindo distinguishes tamasic, rajasic, and sattwic equality. Did your spiritual life begin with any of these three kinds of equality, or some combination of them? Please give one or two specific examples, if you're willing to share.

4. Do you have any questions about the reading? Did you have difficulty understanding anything? Do you have any doubts or confusions?