In this class (Class 36 on Sunday, Dec. 29th at 9:30 am PST), we discuss verses 4.14–4.20 of the Gita and chapter 18 ("The Divine Worker," pp. 177–187) of Sri Aurobindo's Essays on the Gita.

Study Questions

1. Explain briefly Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of the paradoxical phrases "inaction in action" and "action in inaction" in verse 4.18 of the Gita (pp. 178-9).

2. What are the five "signs" of the divine worker? Explain each of them briefly.

3. A common objection to the Gita's teachings on Karma Yoga is that if we act without desire for the fruits of our actions, our work will be mediocre or we will act in a halfhearted manner. How would Sri Aurobindo respond to this objection?

4. In your own spiritual practice, have you tried to practice Karma Yoga? If so, what form does your Karma Yoga take? What benefits have you gained from Karma Yoga? And what challenges do you face when trying to practice Karma Yoga?

5. Do you have any questions about the reading? Did you have difficulty understanding anything? Do you have any doubts or confusions?