In our next class (Class 18), we will discuss Chapter 8, entitled "Samkhya and Yoga" (pp. 68-80), of Sri Aurobindo's Essays on the Gita. Your assignment is to read Chapter 8 very carefully and answer the following study questions based on the reading.

Study Questions:

1. According to Sri Aurobindo, what are the main similarities and differences between the ancient Sāṃkhya school of philosophy and the “Vedāntic Sāṃkhya” referred to in the Gita (in verse 2.39, for instance)?

2. On p. 78 of Essays on the Gita, Sri Aurobindo raises the following question: “how is it that the one self in one body and mind attains to liberation while in others it remains under the delusion of bondage?” According to Sri Aurobindo, how does the ancient Sāṃkhya school of philosophy answer this question?

3. On p. 78 of Essays on the Gita, Sri Aurobindo raises the following question: “how is it that the one self in one body and mind attains to liberation while in others it remains under the delusion of bondage?” According to Sri Aurobindo, how does the Gītā answer this question? How does the Gītā’s answer to this question differ from the ancient Sāṃkhya school’s answer?

4. Do you have any questions about the reading? Did you have difficulty understanding anything? Do you have any doubts or confusions?