In this class (Class 27, on Sunday, August 11th at 9:30 am PST), we discuss verses 4.28-4.35 of the Bhagavad Gita.

Handout for today's class: link

Study Questions:

1. Please compare Śaṅkara's, Sri Aurobindo's, and Swami Tapasyananda's respective interpretations of verse 4.24 of the Gita ("brahmārpaṇam..."). Be sure especially to compare their interpretations of the final phrase of the verse, "brahma-karma-samādhinā." Which, if any, of the interpretations do you think is best, and why?

2. Devout Christians say grace before meals. Followers of the Ramakrishna tradition and many other Hindus recite verse 4.24 of the Gita ("brahmārpaṇam...") before meals. Why do we chant this verse before meals? What should be our spiritual attitude when we sit for meals? What are the similarities and differences between the Christian practice of saying grace and our practice of reciting Gita 4.24 before meals?

3. According to Sri Aurobindo, verses 4.26–27 ("śrotrādīni...") metaphorically elaborate three subtly different methods of self-control. What are these three methods of self-control? How might these methods of self-control be helpful in our day-to-day spiritual life? Please give some concrete examples.

4. Please summarize Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of verses 4.33-35 ("śreyān dravya..."). Can you think of any of Sri Ramakrishna's teachings that can help illuminate the meaning of these verses?

5. Do you have any questions about the reading? Did you have difficulty understanding anything? Do you have any doubts or confusions?